Agg. Sqd. Records
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Real Name: Michael Gaudet
State: Massachusetts
Connection Type: 56k (typical connect speed@26.4 KBPS)
IM, ICQ#: (AIM or AOL)
Began flying WWII Fighters online January 16th, 2000, callsign #1NME.
Appied and Accepted into 214th, but defected with another 214th member one month
later due to lack of members and flight time.
Created 388th Hellhawks in cooperation with Chuck. Squadron name and most mem-
bers transferred and renamed to NJG11 with the help of Aglodth. Callsign changed
to Kaiser to fit new position.
Decommissioned NJG11 due to lack of flight time and cohesion July 19, 2001.
Recommissioned squadron from scratch July 23, 2001.
Joined the ranks of JV44 soon after, NJG11 retired until launch of IL-2; assisted Franky
with the recreation of the HyperLobby portion of the NJG11 in November 2001.
Having fun ever since.